CHAT (2)

Added on by Guy Pettit.

This October we present to you the serial webchap CHAT: 31 days, 31 poems by Chris Martin, 31 accompanying illustrations and images by a host of wonderful individuals.  CHAT is an eclogue written in consort with Cleverbot, an Artificial Intelligence program designed to satisfy the Turing Test. Photographs by Stephanie Gray.



What’s you favorite word?


What kind?

I do prefer the kindness of a friend.

Poet-filmmaker Stephanie Gray’s first book of poems Heart Stoner Bingo was published by Straw Gate Books in 2007. Her second publication, a chapbook, “I Thought You Said It Was Sound/How Does That Sound”, was published by Portable Press at Yo Yo Labs in 2012. Her poems have been published in print and online journals including Aufgabe, EOAGH, Esque, Sentence, 2ndAvenuePoetry, Boog City Reader, The Recluse, Press 1, And/Or, Sun’s Skeleton, and in the anthology The Red Room (Straw Gate Books). She has read her work in NYC in featured reading series, often with her films, at series such as the Projections, Segue, Zinc, Frequency, and Poetry Project Friday series. Her super 8 films have screened internationally, in one person shows at NYC venues Microscope Gallery, Millennium Film Workshop, MIX Queer Fest Monthly series, Thaw and Visual Studies Workshop, and at fests such as Ann Arbor, Oberhausen, Videoex, Media Friesland, Antimatter, Chicago Underground, TIE, and Viennale. Her recent film You know they want to disappear Hell’s Kitchen as Clinton, a poetic film letter to E.B. White’s essay Here is NY, was included in the 2011 Black Maria Film Festival Tour where it was one of 10 Jury’s Choice First Prizes.

Chris Martin is the author of Becoming Weather (Coffee House, 2011) and American Music (Copper Canyon, 2007).  His chapbooks include enough (Ugly Duckling, 2012) and How to Write a Mistake-ist Poem (Brave Men, 2011).